Exchange Policy

At, we strive to ensure that you are satisfied with your purchase. If you need to exchange an item, please review our straightforward exchange policy below.

1. Can I exchange my purchase on
Yes, you can exchange items for a different size or style. To be eligible for an exchange, items must be in their original condition with all packaging, tags, and labels intact. Exchanges can be made within 7 days of receiving your order. We kindly request that you retain the original receipt and share the reason for your exchange. Please note, exchanges are limited to one per order.

2. Are returns and refunds available?
We currently do not offer refunds or returns. However, you may exchange your item for another product available on

3. How do I initiate an exchange?
To start an exchange, submit a request by clicking on the designated link or by replying to your order confirmation email with the details of the items you wish to exchange, including the reason.
Once your exchange request is processed, we will arrange a pickup for the item(s) you wish to return. After the item is picked up, please inform us so we can issue a coupon code for the value of the returned item(s), which can be used when placing your exchange order.

4. If the exchange item costs less than my original purchase, will I receive a refund or credit?
We do not offer refunds for any balance remaining from the first order. When completing an exchange, please choose an item of equal or higher value than your original order, and settle any remaining balance if applicable. Any remaining amount from the first order cannot be credited for future use.

5. Can I exchange multiple times?
Exchanges are allowed once per order. Additionally, the exchange request must be submitted within 7 days of receiving your product. To ensure satisfaction with your new item, please refer to our size guide and check the product measurements in the description tab on the product page.